科罗拉多州的ACLU是一个无党派组织, nonprofit organization guided by a mission to protect, 捍卫, and extend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Colorado. As the oldest and largest civil rights organization in Colorado, its work is guided by the Bill of Rights, ensuring the freedoms contained within are available for members of marginalized communities, 包括有色人种, ”+人, 女性, 移民, 贫困人口, 无家可归者的人, 被监禁的人, 和学生. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球完全依靠支持者的慷慨捐赠来继续这项重要的工作. The organization began with a 工作人员 of two, an Executive Director and a part-time clerical assistant, and has become a team with more than two dozen 工作人员, a $5.5 million budget, and many loyal volunteers. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球(ACLU)相信种族平等和社会正义,并致力于为所有筹款活动奠定基础. 

科罗拉多州sbobet篮球致力于通过解决不公正的根本原因,实现保护和扩大公民权利和公民自由的转型和系统性变革. 为了实现这一目标, ACLU of Colorado is continuing its organization-wide transition to integrated advocacy. This approach has three major prongs: (1) winning multi-year, issue-based integrated advocacy campaigns focused in core issue areas and that are powered by ACLU of Colorado's members and volunteers; (2) joining and building powerful coalitions and networks; and (3) educating and empowering the next generation of civil rights and civil liberties champions. 该组织的多学科团队作为一个整体在这些核心问题领域开展活动,其中包括政策专家, 活动人士, 组织者, 数据分析师, 诉讼律师, 通信专家, 发展专业人士. These integrated teams combine policy advocacy, 组织, 公共教育, 诉讼, 选举参与, 沟通策略, 捐助者的参与是一项有凝聚力的计划的一部分,目的是与公民权利和自由受到威胁或从未充分实现的当地社区合作,实现大胆的目标. 

ACLU of Colorado’s Commitment to Equity, Diversity, Belonging, and Inclusion 

ACLU of Colorado is an equitable opportunity employer. 它认为有一个董事会, 工作人员, 拥有不同个人和专业背景的志愿者基础增强了其履行使命的能力,并创造了一个所有社区成员都能茁壮成长的环境. It strongly encour年龄s applications from all qualified persons, 包括有色人种, 移民, 女性, 残疾人士, LGBTQ+社区的成员, those who have been formerly incarcerated, and other members of underrepresented and marginalized groups. ACLU of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性别, 

性取向, 性别认同或表达, 年龄, 国家的起源, 婚姻状况, 公民身份, 残疾, 资深地位, 被捕或定罪记录, or any other basis protected by State or federal requirements. 它致力于提供一个公平和包容的工作环境,并迅速采取行动,防止和解决任何形式的骚扰或歧视. 


慈善事业主任将领导增加科罗拉多州ACLU收入流的倡议,以支持其在未来五到十年的影响力和影响的显著扩大. 建立在现有的捐献人关系和一个强大的巨额捐献人前景池,并与sbobet篮球国家办公室合作制定关键领导捐赠策略, 慈善事业总监将有一个重要的机会来增加对科罗拉多州ACLU的投资,并在一个继续为人们的日常生活带来真正改变的组织中发挥重要作用. 

The 慈善总监 will provide visionary, 建立并加强捐赠人与组织之间终身关系的战略领导能力, 为支持科罗拉多州ACLU当前和未来的战略目标而产生变革性的礼物. 慈善总监将制定和监督为附属机构筹集资金的计划, 包括确定有能力和表现出兴趣投资于ACLU的前景,以产生长期的, 实实在在的胜利. Working closely with the Executive Director, 领导团队, sbobet篮球的国家, 工作人员, 和董事会, 慈善总监将会计划, 监督, and execute the organization’s fundraising program, with particular emphasis on the leadership and major gifts program, focusing on donors with the capacity to give $10,000元或以上. 

The 慈善总监 will report to the Executive Director, 黛博拉·理查森, 并在领导团队任职. 慈善主任将监督新兴慈善官员和发展协调员, as well as occasional volunteers and interns. 


•发展和执行一个全面的以捐赠人为中心的筹款计划,包括具体的筹款目标和指标, with a focus on the acquisition of leadership gifts ($10,000+ annually) from high-level prospects and donors; 

• Research and identify prospects for cultivation and solicitation; 

• Identify and create strategies to expand, 招募, 保留, and quantifiably grow the base of Donors at all levels who self-identify as Black, 土著人或有色人种; 


• Specifically considering development’s role in integrated advocacy; 

• Secure meetings with major gift prospects capable of making five-, six-figure or greater gifts to the organization; 


•支持分配给捐助者的其他主要关系经理的发展工作, 包括执行董事, 领导团队的其他成员, 职员及董事会成员, 包括在捐助者会议之前进行前景研究和准备简报材料; 

• With the Emerging Philanthropy Officer and Development Coordinator, eng年龄 in year-round strategic stewardship of donors and major gifts prospects; 

• Develop and implement a comprehensive, strategic, goal-based development plan; 



• Man年龄 a comprehensive 计划给 program, in coordination with national ACLU 工作人员; 


• Work closely with the Communications Department and others in the development of mess年龄s, 材料, and explanations of ACLU of Colorado's work used in strategic donor communications; 

•与发展协调员, 组织和监督筹款活动, including an annual fundraising dinner that draws approximately 300 supporters, including the solicitation of law firm and corporate sponsors; 

•与发展协调员, man年龄 effective systems of data entry and donor records, 捐赠的识别, 筹资报告; 

•为科罗拉多州ACLU董事会和领导团队准备定期的筹款和部门活动报告, and attend 董事会 meetings at the Executive Director’s request; 

• Contribute leadership and promote teamwork, meeting regularly with full 工作人员; 


• Perform other duties as assigned or required. 


• A commitment to the mission of ACLU of Colorado—to protect, 捍卫, and extend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Colorado through 诉讼, 教育, 和宣传; 

•有招揽经验, 关闭, and stewardship of gifts with significant institutional impact from a diverse pool of donors; 


• A broad understanding of multi-faceted campaign planning, implementation, and man年龄ment; 

•对多样性的承诺和重视个人和尊重种族差异的个人方法, 种族, 年龄, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 能力, 以及社会经济环境,包括在组织和更广泛的社区内与不同个人合作的能力; 

• Superb leadership, interpersonal, oral, and written communication and presentation skills; 

•有效沟通的能力, 舒适, 并恭敬地对待捐赠者, 工作人员, 和世俗领袖, 以一种易于理解和引人注目的方式综合和呈现复杂主题和活动的能力证明了这一点, 无论是在谈话中还是在印刷品中; 

• An 能力 to work well with people and as a part of a team in a collaborative environment; 

• Experience and comfort with donor database man年龄ment and systems to track donor history, 利益, 和活动; 

• Knowledge of budgeting and financial man年龄ment principles; 

• An 能力 to adapt quickly to changing organizational priorities and deadlines, 灵活性, and a willingness to take on new tasks as the responsibilities of the position evolve; and 

• A confident and professional work style and the 能力 to work independently, 锻炼良好的判断力, and handle stressful situations with grace and maturity. 

At least seven years of experience managing a complex, nonprofit development program including significant experience in major donor fundraising, 计划给, 事件管理, and grant writing is required for this position. A bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of 教育 and experience is preferred. Individuals with experienced with Colorado’s philanthropic community may be given preference. 


The salary range for this position is $110,000 to $130,000 annually. ACLU of Colorado offers comprehensive benefits including medical and dental insurance, 人寿及长期伤残保险, 401 k的贡献, 带薪假期, 和节假日. 




发一封求职信, 的简历, and references in an email with “慈善总监” in the subject line to (电子邮件保护). 请不要打电话. 求职信应回应科罗拉多州ACLU的使命,以及在招股说明书中提出的责任和资格. 申请审查将立即开始,并将持续到成功的候选人被选中为止.